
Group 2547@2x



Group 2546@2x


EWYL Classes


Babies Saved


Rookie Dad Classes

Impact Made: November 1, 2022 - October 31, 2023


Why Pregnancy Solutions?

Following only New York and California, Florida is ranked 3rd highest in the nation with 71,000 abortions performed annually. However, there is hope! In our centers alone, we will see 812 babies saved this year. How?

Since 2001, Pregnancy Solutions has protected the vulnerable with an approach that is life-affirming, solutions-based, and Christ-centered. We know this approach is effective because over the past 21 years we have empowered thousands of men and women to choose life for their babies and abundant life as their legacy.

By supporting the ministry of Pregnancy Solutions, you can become part of the solution too.

It starts with a phone call. A frantic woman stares at those life-changing red lines on her home pregnancy test. Heart pounding, she desperately searches online for what to do next. She finds Pregnancy Solutions. With shaking hands, she dials our number. Panicked and breathless she explains that she is pregnant and doesn’t know what to do, but she knows she needs to “fix” this, and all she can think of is abortion.

Thankfully, we are ready for that call. We train for it. We practice it. We expect it. Thanks to the support of compassionate and generous friends like you, the coach who takes the call is calm, reassuring and gentle as she explains that we do not perform or refer for abortions and guides the conversation toward how we can help. Her first appointment is scheduled, and she is encouraged to include the baby’s father in the process.

When she arrives for her first appointment, she and her partner are greeted by friendly staff and volunteers. A client advocate introduces herself and explains that the expecting mom will join her for an intake and pregnancy test while a dad coach greets the father and invites him to our dad lounge to learn about our services.

The client advocate listens compassionately and lovingly, gently asking hard questions to guide the conversation to discover the truth about what’s going on in the life of this mom. She takes a pregnancy test. Positive. Hope is shared.

“Maybe we can do this.”

The conversation with the father is different, more surface level, casual. Try to go too deep and they won’t come back.

“That was fun.”

Their next appointment is for an ultrasound. The majority of changes of heart – that is life choices made after first considering abortion as an option – occur at the ultrasound appointment. All the rhetoric about clumps of cells or blobs of tissue goes out the window at the first glimpse of baby. As the image fills the screen and the sound of the heartbeat fills the air, hearts are moved. “That’s a WHOLE baby!”, exclaimed one dad, shocked by what he saw. In that moment, they are parents.

And now the real work begins. They enter into mentorship and education as they participate in Earn While You Learn and Rookie Dads. This is where relationships are formed. Trust is built. This is where the life change happens. Thought patterns are challenged. Lifestyles are questioned. Foundations are shaken. It can be hard. It can be ugly. But as they shop in the boutique, lovingly choosing blankets, books, onesies and booties…we smile as we watch them choose life again and again.

Life is not a choice you make once. Abundant life must be chosen daily. It’s in the showing up and never quitting. It’s in the toiling and the tears. It’s in the eyes of these mammas and daddies as they look at their baby with so much love.

This is what your gift makes possible. Your financial gift becomes the gift of abundant life for the families in our community. Since 2001, generous partners like yourself have equipped thousands of moms and dads on this journey. We could fill entire schools with the lives that were spared as a result of your generosity.

The “post-Roe” world needs you. This year alone, we’ve seen a 50% increase in clients. Pregnancy Solutions needs to be able to grow to meet the increase so that every mom or dad facing an unplanned pregnancy has access to our life-saving resources.

By donating today, you will ensure that:

  • there’s always a coach ready to take the call from a parent considering abortion.
  • every one of our 1,200 yearly clients has the opportunity to find hope and accept abundant life in Christ.
  • every mom or dad who says “Yes!” to life has access to life-transforming mentorship and education, equipping them with tools for success.
  • Pregnancy Solutions can strategically plan locations based on needs assessment.

Click the button below now to make your gift and be part of the solution that makes abortion unthinkable.

Thank You Champion Donors

Support the local businesses who propel the mission and vision of Pregnancy Solutions.

Support Our Work

Pregnancy Solutions, Inc. is a 501(c)3 and we rely entirely upon the generosity of individuals and organizations in our community to keep our doors open and our services free of charge. If you would like to support our work, please click below or mail your check to: 504 E. Venice Avenue, Venice, FL 34285. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Thank you!

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll-free (800-help-fla) within the state or visiting www.800helpfla.Com Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. Pregnancy solutions, inc is a 501(c)3 corporation – fed id #65-1085310. No goods or services were provided in exchange for these contributions.